Airbus Identification Tapes

Search Airbus Identification Marking Tape By Part Number

The table below includes Boeing Part Numbers and their associated Privateer Ltd. Part Numbers. When applicable, alternate NSN or NATO (National Stock Number) are also included. All Privateer Tapes are supplied in Rolls and are Factory New. Please contact for more information, RFQ submittals and pricing. PLEASE enter product number your are searching for below.
Manufacturer PNNSN ManufacturerPart DescriptionPrivateer PNImage
NSA0141-11A7690005221651AIRBUSTape, Identification MarkingB03806
NSA0141-18AAIRBUSTape, Identification MarkingB00813
NSA0141-42AAIRBUSTape, Identification MarkingB03805
NSA0141-45A9905145605049AIRBUSTape, Identification MarkingB03045

Since 1972 Privateer Has Been Manufacturing Aviation ID Marking Tapes

Privateer manufactures a large catalog of continuous Tapes, used for Identification Markings in the aerospace and aviation industry. These tapes, supplied in rolls, are used in a variety of engine and hydraulic aircraft systems throughout the world. For example, Fluid Line Identification (FLI) Tapes are used for the identification of aircraft jet fuel, hydraulic fluid and more!