Fiberglass Identification Tape Products

Aircraft Fluid Line Identification From Privateer

Find Privateer Fiberglass Fluid Line Tapes In Table Below

Privateer LTD’s fiberglass fluid line and tubing identification tapes, are some of the most widely-used fluid line (FLI) tapes in the aerospace aircraft industry worldwide. Privateer has been in business since 1972 and one of the only certified manufacturers of these Mil Spec. FLI tapes. Because we are the manufacturer, we offer quick turn times and one roll minimum order quantities. Our fiberglass tapes are manufactured to our customer’s (Military and Commercial) specification and for aircraft tubing identification purposes. Our primary mission is manufacturing and supplying  tubing and fluid line identification or FLI tapes to withstand aggressive chemicals like hydraulic liquids such as Skydrol™ and other harsh environments.  Privateer LTD manufactures the following fluid line and aircraft tubing identification tapes:  Aluminum Tapes, Electrical Insulation Tapes,  Glass Cloth Tapes, Fiberglass, Mylar Tapes, Harness Wrap Tapes, High Temperature Tapes, Polyester Tapes and Printed A.O.G. Tapes. 


Privateer FLI Tape Specifications & Drawings

Privateer has a large catalog of Fluid Line Identification (FLI) Tape Specifications and drawings. Our tubing and fluid line identification tape catalog includes product numbers representing specifications for: Miltary, Airbus, Boeing, ATK Missile Systems, Bae Systems, Bell Helicopter, Bf Goodrich, Bombardier, De Havilland, Douglas (DPM), Embraer, Eaton, General Dynamics, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Grumman, Gulfstream Specs, Hamilton Sunstrand Specs, Honeywell Specs, Raytheon, L3 Communications, Pratt & Whitney, Rockwell Collins, Texas Instruments, Sikorsky Specs, and United Technologies.

Privateer Identification Tape Quick Facts

The Table Below Includes Commonly Ordered Fiberglass FLI Tape Products From Privateer

Product Names for Aircraft Tubing and Fluid Line Identification Tapes are typically preceeded by a grouping of letters. The product name/numbers in the table data below are listed in Alphabetical Order. For best results, type the first 1 or 2 letters of the product you are searching for. As you type, results should populate the table for you to see. We are in the process of adding more product numbers we manufacturer/supply to the table below. If you do not see your part number, chances are still high that we have the specification/drawing on file and so we can manufacture the identification tape for you. Thanks for contacting us! We are here to help.

BACT11AA4AIR CONDITIONF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AB3BREATHING OXYGENF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AC3COMPRESSED GASF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AE3COOLANTF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AF3FIRE PROTECTIONF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AG4PNEUMATICF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11AH4ELECTRICAL CONDUITF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11CB2SYSTEM NUMBERINGF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11CC3FLIGHT CONTROLF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11S2MISCELLANEOUSF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11T3FUELF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11U4INSTRUMENT AIRF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards
BACT11Y4HYDRAULICF (Fiberglass) 1" x 60 yards